A non-profit Fostering kindness in kids &

Spreading Kindness in Communities

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Who Are We

Kindness Grows Here is a grassroots organization on a mission to create a kinder world. We believe the most effective way to achieve this goal is by fostering kindness in our youth. We do this through programming that specifically targets children and the influential adults in their lives.

Founded in 2017, KGH is a 100% volunteer-run organization. Our board is made up of passionate people who believe kindness truly can make a difference. In the 6 short years we have been in existence, we have impacted 32 States and 7 countries. We seek to grow that impact every day.

We envision a world in which Children promote equity, celebrate diversity, and create a sense of belonging for all through compassionate and courageous acts of kindness.

We believe:

  • Every child is inherently kind.
  • Influential adults are powerful role models through which children grow a practice of empathy & compassion.
  • Kind children & adults are the very foundation of kind communities, here, now, and in the future.

black and white hands on a table.
  • How does Kindness Grows Here achieve its mission?

    We have three main programs through which we carry out our mission. 

    The majority of our budget goes to our Kid Kindness Grant program.  This program empowers kids to make change through kindness. We accept applications from kids all over the world who have ideas for spreading kindness. And then we give funds to the kids with the best ideas. 

    We provide resources directly to communities who share our mission. Sometimes this involves KGH organizing and hosting free events. Other times, it means giving a group of community members the tools to host their own events and initiatives. Reach out if you’d like to learn more! 

    We provide resources for schools. We provide anti bullying assemblies, “Be Kind to Your Mind” programming, scripted morning announcements about kindness, and more.

  • How is Kindness Grows Here Funded?

    We are primarily funded by individual donations from people like you. We are also fortunate to have a number of local and national businesses, civic organizations, and other nonprofits that support us. 

    Find out more:


  • How can I get involved?

    KGH is always looking for volunteers to serve on our board of directors, to act as Kindness Ambassadors, or to help out at events. Please take the time to learn more about each of these roles. And if you're interested, please fill out this application

Frequently Asked Questions

When you support Kindness Grows Here, either by volunteering your time, or generously giving of your dollars, every part of your donation goes directly towards making the world a kinder place. Check out this video to see just a few ways that your support helps to make a difference.

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