Kindness Grows Here is a not for profit, 501(c)(3), 100% volunteer run organization. We have an amazing team of dedicated individuals who give of their time because they believe in our mission and know that kindness truly can change the world.
From our Board of Directors, to our Regional Reps (non-voting volunteers who attend board meetings and bring their unique perspective and help us spread the word about our initiatives), to our Board Members Emeritus (former board members who wanted to take a step back, but still remain active volunteers), every single person on our team is highly capable and committed. Kindness Grows Here believes that we must foster kindness in the next generation of children in order to make the world a better place and we are honored to have all these people helping us to do that.
(If you're interested in becoming a member of our team, please explore the roles and responsibilities here).
MSW - Founder, President
Kindness Grows Here | All Rights Reserved